
Presidential Candidates

Presidential Candidates

In the next few weeks I will post the 3D charts of presidential Candidates based on inner planets. I can’t produce tax returns of these people that way but it will help to see what to expect, so you know what type of personality you actually vote for.

The 3D Chart for Kamala Harris.

Kamalas Sun and Moon oppose each other. With this she typically hides her emotions from sight. These individuals are deep waters and share their motives only in trusted environment and even than may rather hold back to avoid vulnerability presenting themselves objective instead.
Her Moon is impulsive and her Sun seeks balance which is giving her a trigger potential when security or trust is in question. Her Moon stands for compassionate ideals while her Sun stands for a strong presentation of balance. Kamala is looking for fairness and was choosing justice as tool to reach out and find a lever to accomplish her views for her environment. She sure fights for rights of equality. That’s her motto.

The angle from which she is proposing is a different question.

Her alignment is Venus/ Sun /Mercury which is known as the diplomat. Here she seeks balance and harmony within her environment (which is supported by her Sun placement) in order to create a level of understanding and harmony between the parties. So far this combination drives her for social peace and harmony in order to create the environment in the way she need for her inner peace.

Mercury is the rational conductor in this assembly and is placed in front of the Sun creating an extreme extravert and flexible pattern that is of connecting and engaging nature. She also tends to think adaptive has a strong attention span as well as the ability to resume quickly. This gives her the ability to connect herself within the environment and the environment itself with ease. The pitfall here is that she may exhaust herself bending over for others too much. Here Mercury is shaded by the Sun so she may overdo the flex part a bit too much losing your grounds. It’s sure something to watch out for.

Venus is placed aside of the Sun allowing her to integrate balance between self and environment e.g. adapts her values. Venus is also novile to Sun which underlines her search for balance and level at large.

With Mars level to Sun she performs active and in control. Here with Mars in the first place she is likely a responder to given situations. Mars is her sensor for imbalance giving her a straight speech pattern as well.

In summary Kamala is a balancing individual that is seeking harmony within her environment. Her Motor is a fierce compassionate Moon that activates her sense for justice and fairness.

The 3D Chart of Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg’s Sun and Moon are sextile toward each other which creates clear understanding between subject and object. His personality appears solid and leveled never in question of a doubt. Moon in conjunction to Uranus house 8 give him the drive for reformation and rather forwarding change of given situations on a rather rational level.

His all over arrangement does not show weakness in any field of operation.

His alignment is Sun/ Venus/ Mercury which is known as “The Scientist” or “The Investigator”. Here he levels the options for a rational solution.

So far this combination allows him to focus on given tasks handle imbalances within the given task for optimization without emotional exaggeration. A well suited ability for any task of business optimization.

Mercury is the rational conductor in this assembly and is well placed aside the Sun rather toward earth allowing a stronger thought oriented communication of matters. With this his communication is rather objective than social.

Venus is placed very close to Earth which is exaggerating his self-value tremendously and creates a strong picture of “how things suppose” to be. With this he has a strict set of Values that over rule any diplomatic effort by placing his view above common values reforming these in favor of his views. This concludes strong leadership qualities on given task but defines any task by values of his thought.

Mars is aside rather behind Earth giving him a strong base, stamina and good health.  

The 3D Chart of Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Sun and Moon are biqintile toward each other which creates a strong expression of a leveled authentic personality. His Jupiter about square to this combination is seeking integrity in the field of problem solving.  Mars in conjunction to Moon raises his subjective engagement on task. With Mars so close to Earth he owns a robust level of health as well as a strong picture of himself. Mars close to earth creates sturdiness rather than aggression.  

His alignment is Sun/ Mercury/Venus which is known as “The leader of the project” constellation. With this he seeks achievement in perfection on a rather rational level.

So far this combination drives him to solve issues (See Jupiter) in order to create integrity. He is not a business man, rather a problem solver with the tendency of rational solution.

Mercury is the rational conductor in this assembly and is placed ahead of the Sun allowing a strong communication of matters and understanding. The orientation is task driven rather opportune here. The communication is less thoughtful rather committed and leveling of diplomatic nature.

Venus is placed aside the Sun which is leveling his Values with the Values of his environment. This is adding to his diplomatic nature and will add compromise to any of his decisions.  

In general he is a diplomat of issues (Jupiter) with a sturdy base giving him a hint of stubbornness when it comes to achievement. He sure does not like to let go if he is on a project. He moves forward on his own account.


The 3D Chart for Elisabeth Warren.

Elisabeth Warren’s 3D chart is showing Moon at 48 degrees off the Sun in biquindecile showing determination which is largely exaggerated with Moon placed in House 8 at Cusp giving her deep compassion under cover and a strong sense for bond.

Elisabeth is not kidding, literally! Her message is: solution and she does not play around with attitudes or designed adds it’s not the way she would address her message. This aspect is strong giving her the authentic personality she presents; A rather serious character that doesn’t play around.

Her Alignment is a Mercury, Sun, Venus lineup up which considers her as rational creator; so a leader of some sort of project. With Moon following Mercury she has a subjective emotional interest leading her with ratio to the desired results.  

Her Sun in house 9 represents a strong level of education and a strong interest in fairness. She wants to lead and guide with intellect and compassion open for change and individual rights (Uranus).

Her Mercury is close to earth which gives her a rather introversive creation of thought and a bit of shyness. She is from her nature not a talker, more of a thinker making her mind before she speaks. But since Mercury is not shaded by the sun communication and attention are focused and active. Mercury is also shading Mars which gives her an absolute determinate speech pattern. Her speech becomes more explosive and direct allowing her to stay on point and leaving the listener with compliance.

Venus is her result planet; far from earth but not shaded by the Sun which allows her to be aligned / in balance with the Values of the environment and in her case it is public value. When she is speaking of Justice she is speaking of fairness and balance with absolute determination. People with Venus on top of their chart want public balance and agreement. She would be a most liberal Candidate on my deck. Not progressive!! Liberal.

The 3D chart for Beto O'Rourke

Beto’s Sun and Moon are decatredecile toward each other which creates an urge to align objective and subjective as constant seeking inner stability. Here with Sun in Libra and Moon in Taurus the urge regards stability of wellbeing balancing between emotional fulfillment and compromise within given environment. With this he represents a certain vision to align the entire spectrum at all times pending between compromise and subjective perfection of stability.

His alignment is Venus/ Sun /Mercury which is known as the diplomat. Here he seeks balance and harmonic within the environment in order to create a level of understanding and harmony between the parties. So far this combination drives him for social peace and harmony in order to create the environment in the way he need for his inner peace.

Mercury is the rational conductor in this assembly and is placed in front of the Sun creating an extreme extravert and flexible pattern that is of connecting and engaging nature. He also tends to think adaptive have a strong attention span as well as the ability to resume quickly. This gives him the ability to connect him within the environment and the environment itself with ease. The pitfall here is that he may exhaust himself bending over for others too much. Here Mercury is shaded by the Sun so he may overdo the flex part a bit too much losing your grounds. It’s sure something to watch out for.

Venus is placed closer to Earth which is exaggerating his self-value and creates a stronger picture of “how things suppose” to be. This aligns with the Moon placement assuming the best solution to be authentic in his needs and propagate them representable. 

With Mars ahead of and shaded by the Sun he performs rather forward and urged active.

In summary he is a dynamic individual seeking balance within environmental challenges; a dynamic consul to put it this way.


~Christian Hoffmann 3/2019


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